08 maggio 2012

Gypsy Life - Torino Video Premiere

Questo giovedì a Torino i nostri amici di Gypsy Skateboards presentano il loro video "Gypsy Life" diretto da Troy West durante i loro giri per il mondo.
Il teaser immagino l'avrete visto, ma per sicurezza ve lo riposto:

Inutile dire che se ne vedranno delle belle, con i ragazzi di Gypsy presenti.

Ci vediamo tutti lì, Giovedì alle 21.30 allo Zero, in Via Vanchiglia 0 (dietro Piazza Vittorio).


Over the past years Skateboard Films have become big- budget, scripted productions. This and the addition of Hi-Definition cameras has contributed to the films losing their character, feeling and more importantly their spontaneity.

In 2011 i decided to carry an old point and shoot camera with me at all times to document the day to day skateboarding and street happenings of my friends and people i met while living in Barcelona and traveling through Europe, Asia, U.K, Mexico, U.S.A and Australia.

This video is dedicated to everyone that is in it ! ! ! It was a pleasure to spend time with you all and more importantly see, learn and experience everything that crossed our paths.

I hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed living it ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


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